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Influencer Marketing

Businesses Earn $6.50 For Each Dollar Spent On Influencers...


Traditional advertisements are powerful, but word of mouth is even more so. Influencer Marketing is the fastest-growing online customer-acquisition method.

A recommendation from a trusted source can be more persuasive than any ad or commercial. 70% of teens trust influencers more than traditional celebrities. Influencers have become a trusted friend to large audiences. 86% of women use social media for purchasing advice.

Where do your customers spend their time and who do they listen to?

40% of customers use ad-blocking technology and traditional ads are losing their effectiveness. More and more people started living their lives online: bloggers, vloggers, and other content producers realized that there was money in reviewing and recommending products and thus, the influencer was born. Influencer Marketing has already surpassed print marketing.

The video gave you a brief introduction to why Influencer Marketing Campaigns are powerful.

Below you will find access to a free check-list that will help you tick-off the most important steps to get the most from your Influencer Marketing Campaign.

With 89% of marketers saying return on investment from Influencer Marketing, is comparable to, or better than, other marketing channels, can your business afford not to run an influencer marketing campaign?

Let me teach you where to start and how to maximise the effectiveness of your influencer marketing campaigns.

Get your free Influencer Marketing Checklist below.

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    *Statistics quoted from the Digital Marketing Institute